Client Story

Te Whatu Ora – Health New Zealand Waikato implements leading anaesthesia information management solution by Provation® iPro
Currently, most of the clinical documentation and data collation in New Zealand hospitals, including the anaesthesia service, is paper-based. The administrative burden these outdated processes add to the daily operation of hospitals is widely accepted to be less safe than contemporary digital systems and are also associated with less efficient financial performance and lower staff satisfaction.
Paper-based systems don’t just hinder fast and convenient access to information and data. Illegible handwriting and manual data entry can cause anaesthesia records to be misinterpreted, incomplete or lost entirely, potentially causing unnecessary delays in communication with pharmacy and billing.
Paper-based documentation also keeps clinicians anchored to workstations, wasting precious time that providers could be using to attend to other patients. These workstations are often also in high demand during recovery, causing further delays for post-op patients when they are unavailable.
With Altera Digital Health, Te Whatu Ora – Health New Zealand Waikato has:
Enabled anaesthetists to move freely between facilities and in and out of the operating theatres
Esured records are complete, compliant and legible
Empowered leaders with real-time access to robust dashboards and reporting to deliver deep clinical insights and business intelligence